I was making a list of my fears and then I realized I had fear for literally everything with exception to a few of course. What topped my list were animals. Out of all the animals I do have a huge fear for DOGS. It should have been snakes and other wild animals but of course we don't get to see them often. Especially in Europe where every one owns a dog for a pet even if it means them depriving themselves of things, to carter for their pets. Don't get me wrong but the type of love they show to this pets is just unbelievable I often wonder if they treat their fellow humans that way.......just saying .
   In recent times I had often found ways of dodging from dogs either with the help of friends who aren't scared of them or myself ,
    But the10th of December, was a day to remember. It was already snowing as expected. We had just finished a class and was heading to the next class when i saw my group mates taking group pictures and I decided to join as a picture lover, anyways that's only when am in the mood. We went outside the university so as to get a clear shot because the ones we had previously taken were a bit blurry and also to get snow pictures we were all snapping, having a good time not until it was cut short by the appearance of a big black "ugullllly" dog and using the word ugly is just me being nice ( na dash I dash am}. I can't think of  any word besides that.
   See me and my big head oh, I know am scared of dogs but yet i sighted this one from afar and didn't raise an alarm instead i consoled my self with the thought that it wasn't coming our direction. Unlike me, I would have hidden immediately asin eh sharp sharp  ( lol what pictures can cause). You this geh sef why wouldn't the dog come your way a group with only girls, fine fine girls for that matter. what were u expecting? it was attracted to the group of girls, that dog must have been male though.
Oh wait!!!! I forgot to tell you..........
So my fear for dogs started in my childhood. My sister and I were playing outside then we saw this dog, we were scared and still very young so we ran and the dog ran after us. But unfortunately for my sister, she fell and the dog did something to her butt. I can't explain it but it wasn't a bite she was taken to hospital and was examined and all. But ever since that day I have been scared of dogs and the irony of that incident is that my sister who was directly involved isn't scared of dogs and probably can't remember something liked that happened anyhow, so u all know how it all started .
  When the dog came, my friend was already crying. She's also scared of dogs. Because of the chaos, we were already scattered then it came towards me and out of fear I ran and you know what happened na it followed me. Who in this modern day and time doesn't know that when you run the dog follows? Its not as if I don't know this but I wasn't thinking any more so my legs took over apparently (too much adrenaline was functioning). This dog was having fun and probably thought I was playing with it, not knowing that I was having the worst nightmare of my life. In my mind, I was Usain Bolt what was i thinking that i could run faster than that dog that's impossible. O boy eh!!! you need to have seen me the way I fell in the snow with my heavy bag and winter boot running the race of my life i got up fell again still kept on trying to run but the snow just kept on pulling me down (looking back at that day i just laugh now). But that day i was crying and screaming all sort of things, can't remember exactly what was coming out of my mouth but am sure I was either screaming Jesus, Mummy or Daddy. When I finally couldn't get up again so I tried to hide my face in the snow I didn't just want to see what the dog was going to do not until some people came to my rescue then i was told a woman helped chased the dog away and did I mention that I had already seen this same dog in the morning while I was going for my first lecture. Also, I had a little encounter trying to hide from it that i almost entered the express road some guys were even laughing at me but ehn! I couldn't care less only for me to meet it again. Twice in one day it was as if the dog just had my time that day although some people find it funny and probably not much of a big deal ................but only the person wearing the shoe knows where it hurts most.
    But that incident made me have a rethink and  it certainly did help face my fears not completely because the fears won't just disappear overnight, it has to be gradually but its definitely a step in the right direction.
      Since this is my first post for this year, I want to wish everyone a happy new year and month and Pray that God grants you all that your heart desires.
                                                                                                        Dr.David M.Burns
