I am not someone who really likes to listen to the news. Let's just say, I am an "occasional listener." I only listen to the news when something big or serious happens (covers face). So most of the stories I know, I probably heard from my friends/people around me or the media. But with all the recent happenings and chaos in the world it's hard to turn a deaf ear to what the news is saying.

 I wake up each day yearning to know what the news is saying. It really breaks my heart to listen to these stories over and over again, they never get old. Ranging from the shootings, bombings, theft kidnappings, economic instability and so on. I usually just listen to the news and complain about how things need to change for good. This has subconsciously become my default mode..... you would agree with me that it is a lot more easier to complain, than to take practical steps. So instead of complaining? How about doing something about it.

For instance, we all want to see things change, It is only logical, that we start by being the change we want to see. I know right (easier said than done). In the end, It really just boils down to love. If you love your neighbour as you love your self, you won't want to hurt him or her. But again you can't give what you don't have!!!! So it would be wise to start by LOVING yourself then and only then can the love radiate to others.

 I look forward to hearing from you. please feel free to leave your comments below. Have a lovely week ahead.


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