The holiday has finally come to an end. I remember vividly how the holiday started and how I was so excited about it ( how time flies!!!). I hope you all enjoyed your holiday? And you're ready to start the new academic year.
The first week of school is usually the hardest for me but once that week is over then I am good to go. Am I the only one who struggles with this? I would love to know. To avoid all the hardship of the first week of school(yes oh hardship! it's not easy for me to move past the holiday mode lol). I have started taking baby steps to ensure that the first week of school is just a walk over hopefully we can all share our tips.

Go to bed early and set an alarm;
Since the beginning of this week, I started going to bed by 11pm (this is not even early enough, but for someone who has been sleeping at the break of dawn this should do. Usually I wake up twice, if that makes any sense. Initially I wake up at 6.30 am because my alarm goes off at about 6 am and then I go back to sleep before finally waking up at 9;30am. I think it's because I know that school hasn't really started, hopefully tomorrow I would get up as soon as my alarm goes off.

Pack and prepare your stuffs a night/day before;
Anything you think you might need for the following day should be prepared and packed ahead of time. This would prevent you from forgetting something important. I had already forgotten about my lab coat until I saw it lying around,imagine if I had packed my bag in the morning I would have forgotten so much more.

Go with the flow;
Unlike high school, first day of school means serious work. So you should be prepared because the lecturers expect you to be but I understand that it can be a bit difficult. Although you might still feel like you're on holiday but glancing through your book might help, so that you don't get lost in class. Try not to do too much so that you don't get worn out too soon, remember school just started you still have a semester ahead of you.

If you have tips on how to adjust to a new academic year please comment below I would love to learn from you. 

Thanks for stopping by


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