If you 're probably anything like me, then the way you feel basically plays a huge role in anything you do / want to do. And no, this doesn't mean I can't do things when I don't really feel up to it, even though I try as much as possible to avoid such incidence. When I do, the difference is rather glaring!!! In this post, I will be sharing tips on what to do when you feel down/moody, hopefully we can all exchange tips.

Dancing: Lately I have been doing this a lot, not only when am moody, but even when I am excited. I even go as far cajoling my friends to join me. Shout out to all my dance partners, you guys are the best. The science behind this is; during such activities like dancing, endorphins also known as happy hormones are released which helps elevate your mood. On the flip side, you are doing three things at the same time which are dancing(learning new steps), exercising and the last one which is the icing on the cake, your mood is elevated!!!!!

Talking to someone about it: This one varies, because there might be a reason and there might also not be any reason for your moodiness but if there is, then you can talk to someone who genuinely has your interest at heart. I personally like to get things off my chest. I find this really therapeutic you know what they say "a problem shared is a problem half solved". The next point would be useful for the latter.

Being in a gathering of friends: This one works well on those days when you are just sad for no just  course. You can't be in the midst of your friends and still be moody, ko possible mehn! It could be just talking about random stuff, playing games or doing things together and even if there is nothing to do which I strongly doubt, just being in the midst of friends takes my mood from 0 to 100. Or maybe I'm exaggerating but you get what am trying to say lol.

Doing what you love: For some people it's cooking, eating, reading or even sleeping sef. The list is endless. For me na sleep sure pass simply because I really don't like doing things when I don't feel like it.

Dress up : This is applicable on those mornings when you wake up on the wrong side, if you know what I mean. Making cautious effort to look nice actually helps. And by dress up I don't only mean clothes, makeup inclusive. Nothing serious just something to brighten your eyes or a pop of colour on the lips (bright coloured lipsticks have a way of improving your mood). 
Looking good = compliments = smile on your face.

Praying; Finally, all the tips mentioned above might actually not work out or might just be a temporary relieve (I mean they are all human efforts. So talking to God about the cause of your moodiness actually gives you a permanent solution to your moodiness.

I hope this post was helpful!!!

What do you do when you are moody? Please leave your comments below.

Have a wonderful week!!


  1. Am with you on that......Sleep works well for me.

  2. Asin eh!! Thanks for stopping by.

  3. As for me..I play video games or I watch GodFather.

    But Most Guys don't have this mood ish. So Let's just say when someone pissed you off or you're having a bad day, you take a shot of liquor, problem solved.

  4. Lol!I guess it's more of a girl's thing.Thanks for stopping by.


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